Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Crap. I am SO TIRED OF FIGHTING THE SAME BATTLES. We have been trying to get Blondie into a magnet school. It is for children with learning disabilities but NOT self contained mentally disabled students. These are kids who may need extra help with reading and math, and may or may not go to resource for help. They have smaller classes, and kids capable of a normal education who just need other strategies for learning. Blondie doesn't get resource help.... we're just starting to think maybe she should be evaluated for help with reading, but that process hasn't really started . This school's teachers have been specially trained in different programs to best meet the needs of their students.

A couple weekends ago I was at an education fair to raise money for the district, and their school had a display for each school. I went over to look at the display, and wanted to CRY because in talking with their resource teacher she knew immediately about Blondie's condition, had taught children with it, and didn't think it was that big of a deal. Do you know what a RELIEF that was?

We applied, and found out today that Blondie didn't get in.

So I took a deep breath, and had Brian call to see if they could let us know why. He was told that she scored 67 out of 75 points. Since she had only been evaluated for speech so far, they felt that her home school could best meet her needs. THEN THEY STEPPED IN IT. They also mentioned the fact that their buildings are currently a grouping of portables, behind another school, and there is "uneven terrain" due to construction. They have to go to the other school for lunch and related arts, etc. She thought it would be too much for Blondie to deal with. She also told Brian that with all of the construction, Blondie might be distracted by the noise.

SO LET ME RECAP.... My kid who finds reading difficult, with deficits due to brain surgery is too capable to go to a school with "regular" kids who find reading difficult, because she only needs speech therapy for processing skills because her school is just starting the evaluation process. If she doesn't qualify does that mean that my kid with h--- a brain is smarter than those with a wh--- brain? IN ADDITION, my child WITHOUT ADD/ADHD is more likely to be distracted by outside noise compared to those WITH ADD/ADHD who attend that school. Finally, my kid limps and "might find it difficult to walk", but spent this weekend hiking miles in the woods on a natural path, and didn't fall once, but can't walk on a sidewalk because construction is back behind a fence.

GROWL! Do you see the problem? Or is it just me?

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